Action sheet
Pedagogy: Implementation in the classroom

This area relates to the implementation in the classroom of digital technologies for learning, by updating and innovating teaching and learning practices.
- Tailoring to students’ needs
- Fostering creativity
- Engaging students
- Student collaboration
Lorem ipsum

Démonstrateurs nationaux
National demonstrator: Use of AI in classroom
National demonstrator Use of AI in classroom The presentation of this project was proposed by the Institute for Contemporary Education during the international meeting organized in Belgrade in November 2022.Description Savremena is the first school that uses a real...
National demonstrator: The digital folder
National demonstrator The digital folder The presentation of this project was proposed by the GIP FTLV de l'académie de Besançon during the international meeting organised remotely from Besançon in January 2021.Description Assigned to several schools and several...
National demonstrator: Personalized training on a driving simulator
National demonstrator Personalized training on a driving simulator The presentation of this project was proposed by the Fédération Régionale des Maisons Familiales Rurales (MFR) de Bourgogne Franche-Comté during the international meeting organised remotely from...
National demonstrator: Webradio
National demonstrator Webradio The presentation of this project was proposed by the GIP FTLV de l'académie de Besançon during the international meeting organised remotely from Besançon in January 2021.Description Historically, a digital newspaper existed in the...
National demonstrator: Silva numerica, virtual forest environment
National demonstrator Silva numerica, virtual forest environment The presentation of this project was proposed by the Délégation régionale au numérique pour l'éducation de la région académique Bourgogne-Franche-Comté during the international meeting organised remotely...
National demonstrator: Virtual simulation tools
National demonstrator Virtual simulation tools The presentation of this project was proposed by Handwerkskammer der Pfalz at the international meeting in Kaiserslautern in April 2021.Description The Handwerkskammer der Pfalz maintains its own vocational training...