Action sheet
Student Digital Competence

This area relates to the set of skills, knowledge and attitudes that enable the confident, creative and critical use of digital technologies by students.
Developing the digital skills of citizens and future professionals
It is crucial to train learners in digital skills, specifically described by DigComp, such as online safety, online responsibility and respect, verifying the accuracy of information, creating digital content, and communicating using technology. This enables learners to become responsible digital citizens.
In addition, learners may be required to learn coding and technical problem solving as part of their training. Ideally, vocational training institutions should also identify, list and implement the learning of digital competences specific to the field of study and to the professions prepared in training, as well as the transversal digital competences specific to the professional world. With regard to the latter, we can mention, for example, the skills of monitoring and analyzing the competition.
These skills will help learners integrate professionally, adapt to technical developments in their field of expertise and become autonomous in their professional environment.

National demonstrator
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