Practices of EFPprofessional partners’ network
innovative processes experienced: Digitization of training in Real Estate – Presented by Jean-Pierre LANOY
La digitalisation des formations dans le secteur alimentaire
Jeudi 25 novembre 2021 : Présenté par Laurent Gall formation à distance ; analyse des ressources et de la maturité numérique des entreprises ; Réalité virtuelle
HWK der Pfalz : Digital innovation and vocational training and crafts
Build your learning -Plateforme Constructiv –
15h15 – 15h45 : Building your learning project – by Isabelle SIMONET (Head of the professional branch ‘Construction’) Constructiv is an organization that provides services for the construction sector. Created by the social partners of the Construction sector , this organization aims to ensure that talent moves into the sector and can thrive throughout a […]
The digitalization of training in the food sector: Alimento
Presented by Laurent Gall, training coordinator: Alimento distance learning; analysis of resources and digital maturity of companies; Virtual reality Alimento brings together sectoral services for food companies (including those involved in food processing), their workers, bakers and teachers. It brings together 500 professions, 26 branches, 95,000 employees (bakery is the most important branch, bringing together […]