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Speaker: Thierry Pinoy, SFPME pedagogical advisor.

Developed in 2019, the Online Learning/Assessment Book 2.0 is an online tool developed by COCOF.

It is used for communication between the learner, the trainer, the company tutor and the tutor’s representative.

Organized in UAA: Acquisition Learning Units  (from 15 to 23 years old) for nearly 600 learners.
It is designed for formative assessment and involves 18 trades for implementation in 2021-2022.

Some notes and barriers:

The trainer can initiate the assessment and the apprentice has a time limit to respond.
There is a possibility to evaluate behavioral skills and know-how (e.g.: respect for the equipment, involvement, motivation…)
The evaluation can be done by the boss, alone, or with the apprentice, or with the apprentice and the delegate

The work of encoding the skills must be updated each year.
There is sometimes a problem of articulation between the boss and the trainer when there is one boss for several trainers.

A consultation would be necessary to find an ideal tool