National demonstrator


The presentation of this project was proposed by the GIP FTLV de l’académie de Besançon during the international meeting organised remotely from Besançon in January 2021.


Historically, a digital newspaper existed in the school. The librarian decided to develop a web radio version. After having followed a training course, he realised the interest for the pupils because it brought into play transversal and disciplinary skills through a motivating activity. Thanks to web radio, pupils sharpen their critical thinking by seeing how information is constructed. It is a question of setting up activities that combine both vocational and general education. The aim is to find common points, points of contact that will enable the work on professional and disciplinary skills.


Points of interest

  • Working on soft skills;
  • Motivating activity;
  • Valuation of the work done for the general public;
  • Interaction of disciplinary skills;
  • Improvement of oral and written expression;
  • Cultural opening;
  • Exchanges with other web radio projects in other schools


Points of vigilance

  • Personal initiative dependent on one;
  • Dependence on reliability of materials;
  • Need for teacher training;
  • Financing of equipment;
  • Choice of workspace;
  • Securing the equipment;
  • Time for students to get to grips with the equipment.



Project leader

Éducation Nationale : Lycée Professionnel Denis Diderot

Contact and/or website :
LP Denis Diderot (


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