First Open Badges workshop for the group of experts and already the outline of our Citizen 2.1 badge is starting to take shape!
As a reminder, an Open Badge is a digital image that recognizes an experience, an achievement, a know-how, a commitment, a contribution, a project, an interest… (More information on

We had a thorough exchange with our partners so as to define our priorities for this first badge.

What type of recognition? For which target audience? Generic or specific badge? Issued automatically or to be claimed by participants?
The Citizen 2.1 project sets from the beginning principles and values that make badges a means to serve several concrete intentions such as the one of widening the field of possibilities by acting both on the transformation of organizations as well as on the commitment of individuals to identify and develop their potential. Digital badges make less visible skills and commitments visible, and broaden the field of possibilities in terms of training and employment.
This development of Citizen 2.1 badges is all the more interesting because it is aimed at people for whom resources can be directly mobilized for the project. We can thus give credit to what is done, open up to new experiences, help to appreciate the value of all… all these levers make participants actors in different ways.
Technically, this involves the construction of situations for the project, workshops and the use of badges to equip a mixed pedagogy device and contributes to developing openness to perspectives via and through the digital tool.
Indeed, as the project aims to improve the use of digital technology in vocational training, the partners have set up the experimentation of the use of e-badges through a system of obtaining specific open badges “Citizen 2.1” for the organizers, the speakers and the participants.
- The “Witness” badge for the participant as a trainee in the Citizen 2.1 training courses;
- The “Knowledgeable Witness” badge for the participant who is a speaker and who can give examples of innovative practices encountered in his or her activities;
- The “Innovative Pioneer” badge for participants who present their own innovative practices;
- The “Innovative Project Builder” badge for the participant involved in the construction/organization of the Citizen 2.1 project.
Open Badges are the digital embodiment of an experience, a skill or a knowledge. They can be used to confirm the acquisition of skills, knowledge or competences that are not recognized by a diploma or a formal certification.
These open badges meet the themes of: recognition of participation; recognition of skills; belonging to a community of practice and/or interest;
Communication and dissemination of the project (in particular via the possibility of creating an account on the platform).
More broadly, open recognition is an approach born from the practice of open badges that explores and promotes practices, tools and policies that improve and expand the possibilities for everyone, individuals and communities, to be recognized and to contribute to the recognition of others. Open recognition can focus on lifelong learning and development or other socially beneficial goals.
This definition lays the foundation. This approach is developing in opposition to more normative approaches to recognition, their coexistence being quite legitimate and desirable.