International meeting in Belgium M2/C2

International meeting in Belgium M2/C2

Citizen 2.1 in a few figures : The meeting days took place from 23 to 25 November 2021 at EFP Brussels in a hybrid and fully bilingual format (French and English) The topics were the subject of deepening because of the evolution of the practices due to the health...
Open Badge Workshop

Open Badge Workshop

First Open Badges workshop for the group of experts and already the outline of our Citizen 2.1 badge is starting to take shape! As a reminder, an Open Badge is a digital image that recognizes an experience, an achievement, a know-how, a commitment, a contribution, a...
France-Quebec Conference : Digital Inclusion

France-Quebec Conference : Digital Inclusion

An overview of digital inclusion in France and Quebec by education experts. A virtual event organised by the Cégeps de l’Est-du-Québec, FADIO and the regional academies of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, Nancy-Metz, Nantes, Normandie, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Rennes and...
M1/C1 Transnational Meeting – Report on Day 1 (19/01/21)

M1/C1 Transnational Meeting – Report on Day 1 (19/01/21)

Digital tools for education and training     French overview of digital education, “Etats Généraux du Numérique” From October to November 2020, the Etats généraux du numérique pour l’éducation (EGNE) followed the particular context of the first...
The first M1/C1 transnational meeting

The first M1/C1 transnational meeting

Initially planned to be held in Besançon, France, the first transnational meeting was organised online on January 19th, 20th and 21st, 2021, due to the COVID19 health crisis.   Programme_Citizen_C1_engTélécharger